About Us

Who Are We

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Our Mission

To help companies to go beyond product excellence by defining opportunities and empower digital capabilities in industry.

What We Do

Our values

Hollistic approach

We believe in taking a comprehensive view of challenges and opportunities, considering all aspects of your business to deliver tailored digital solutions.

Agnostic perspective

We remain unbiased and impartial, focusing solely on identifying the best-fit solutions for your unique needs, regardless of technology or platform.


We uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all our interactions, ensuring transparency, honesty, and trust throughout our partnership.


We foster a culture of collaboration, working closely with your team to co-create and implement solutions that align with your strategic goals and vision.


We embrace innovation at every turn, continuously seeking out new ideas and cutting-edge technologies to drive your digital transformation journey forward.


We are committed to delivering measurable results and tangible value, focusing on outcomes that drive growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage for your business.

Why Choose SODA Foundry?

At SODA Foundry, we offer a unique blend of strategic expertise and technical proficiency, delivering digital solutions that consistently exceed expectations.

Our Expertise in Digitalisation

At SODA Foundry, we offer a unique blend of strategic expertise and technical proficiency, delivering digital solutions that consistently exceed expectations. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to working side-by-side with our clients, leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative thinking to drive your business forward. Trust us to help you evolve and thrive in the digital age.

IT/OT and Data Systems

Our team of experts can help you develop a roadmap for your IT/OT and data systems, ensuring that you are leveraging the latest technology and best practices to drive your business forward.

Digital Transformation

Our team can help you navigate the complex landscape of digital transformation, providing decision support and strategic guidance to ensure that your business is well-positioned for success in the digital age.

Innovative Solutions

Our team is dedicated to delivering innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of your business, leveraging cutting-edge technology and best practices to drive your success.

Roadmap Development

Our team can help you develop a roadmap for your digital transformation, providing decision support and strategic guidance to ensure that you are well-positioned for success in the digital age.

Expert Decision Support

Our team of experts is committed to providing decision support and strategic guidance to help you navigate the complex landscape of digital transformation, ensuring that you are well-positioned for success in the digital age.